Spitbank Fort Hotel, one Super-luxury Hotel in the Sea!

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Around the end of 18th century, Lord Palmerston, the British prime minister at that time, constructed several sea forts in Portsmouth in order to protect his country's port. More specifically, he was afraid of any possible French invasions, as Napoleon III had become emperor of France.

The several sea forts were decommissioned around the 80s and were sold to individuals and one of them was transformed into a luxury hotel! Luxurious furniture, 8 suites, swimming-pool, bar, restraurant, sauna and beautiful areas especially designed for its visitors to enjoy the sun.

Spitbank Fort Hotel also offers luxury accomodation packets to its visitors such as sailing and golf packages, hosting events such as weddings and themed parties and promises one unforgettable accommodation to all of those who love experiencing unique, uncommon and not ordinary things.

So, if you plan to do something different this year for holidays, visit this hotel!


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