If you are facing financial difficulties and think that you will have to cut back on some luxuries this year, follow these simple travel tips we have prepared for you and travelling will no longer become something of an elite luxury!
- Travel off-season: So what if you don't go to Europe during summer or to the Caribbean on the winter? Off-season prices are much lower and with these rates it always feels like summer!
- Fly indirect: Flying with stop-overs may not be as fun as you sometimes see in the movies, but if money is more important than time try to make the most of it. Try www.skyscanner.net
- Use Regional Airports: Most low-cost airlines travel to smaller and regional airports and sometimes these are just a bit out of your way. Drink your coffee and you will be able to stand this small inconvenience.
- Pack light: Take the most necessary of your most necessary things! Women stop carrying heels, bags and dresses around and be minimalistic! When you are a tourist, behave like one!
- Sleep cheap: It's possible to get convenient deals and discounts from nice Hotels if you do an early research. In case you booked a last-minute flight though there are some ways to sleep without spending all your savings! Go apartment hunting! Stay at a B&B! Visit http://booking.leisurelifestyle.info/
- Share your Vacation and Split the Costs: Take friends and family members on your trip, share an apartment or a house and split the cost! It's all about minimizing your losses!
- Eat like a local: When you are on a low budget, go where the locals go and eat what's locally produced! Usually, local products are cheaper! For example, when you are in Italy eat pizza and when you are in Greece eat kebab!
- Take free tours: Don't spend your money on tours! You can easily go sightseeing and be the tour guide of yourself! As soon as you are on location, buy the Travel Guide book and a map and you will have all the necessary information!
- Stay away from Private transport: Take the bus, ride the tube, use public transportation! It will cost you way less and you will already have the information you need on the Travel Guide we suggested that you buy!
- Get free Upgrades: It's not as bad as it sounds! There is no harm in trying; arrive early if you plan to try this; it’s a lot harder to negotiate in a rush.
Follow these steps and we trust you will have a nice, fun and carefree experience!
Who said that travelling has to be about limitless spending?